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Wednesday 24 November 2021

Prerequisites for Academic CV for Scholarships

 When applying for a scholarship, your CV (Curriculum Vitae or Resume) often works as the first evaluation filter in which you seeks to comply with the basic requirements of the call, that your experience is aligned with the program to which you want to apply and that you are a candidate with academic, professional and personal potential.

Academic CV for scholarship should be short and specific. It is recommended to use Times New Roman font and bullets, bold and capital letters to show relevant information to the reader. The information must be in chronological order. Don’t fall a prey to clichés rather portray something unique about yourself.

The role of academic CV is to capture the attention of the scholarship provider so that it continues with the Motivation Letter, which aims to finish convincing him that your candidacy is the most indicated above all others. An ill-planned academic CV may rope in scholarship denial.


Reflect and Brainstorm your Academic CV

Before starting to write your resume, you must make an assessment of yourself and determine the elements of your professional, academic and personal experience which you will place on paper. Initially you should gather as much information as possible to have a broader view of what you have to offer, and then you should choose which ones to show and how to do it. Remember that the scholarship provider has the final word, so research about him and the profile he seeks . Based on this, select and highlight the most relevant skills and experiences in your Curriculum Vitae (CV). You can start the research by reading the description of the scholarship and its requirements very well. You can also check the profiles of other fellows studying on that scholarship. Many times the scholarship providers publish articles or institutional videos in which other scholars share their experience and that is your opportunity to analyze their profile. When you do your research identify key words and write them down in a list, so you know how to address your CV (resume). For example, you will know if you should focus more on the academic, professional or personal skills and experiences. It can also help you for example, to know if you should show more as a researcher, leader, creative or socially aware.

How to Organize Academic CV for Scholarship?

All CVs must have three parts: contact information, education and professional experience. However, I recommend that you add other sections that make it easier for the reader to identify relevant characteristics such as: Certificates and acknowledgments, Volunteering and other experiences, Software Skills and Languages.


At the top of the page or in the header you must show your full name and your contact information such as address, phone and email. Avoid placing words such as “CV”, “Curriculum Vitae” or “Resume” which do not make it look professional. When you do your research identify key words and write them down in a list, so you know how to address your CV (resume). For example, you will know if you should focus more on the academic, professional or personal skills and experiences. It can also help you for example, to know if you should show more as a researcher, leader, creative or socially aware.

How to Organize Academic CV for Scholarship?

All CVs must have three parts: contact information, education and professional experience. However, I recommend that you add other sections that make it easier for the reader to identify relevant characteristics such as: Certificates and acknowledgments, Volunteering and other experiences, Software Skills and Languages.


At the top of the page or in the header you must show your full name and your contact information such as address, phone and email. Avoid placing words such as “CV”, “Curriculum Vitae” or “Resume” which do not make it look professional. 


Normally it goes first because it is what will allow you to show that you meet the basic entry requirements. For example, if you are applying to a PhD , you have already completed a Master’s degree; or if you apply to a master’s degree, you have already completed your undergraduate degree.

Write only the title obtained, the institution, the year of graduation, along with the city and country where you studied. Add special recognition or your qualifications, if they were outstanding. 

Work Experience:

Do not limit yourself to describing the tasks that you carried out, but include your achievements and measurable results. With this you are demonstrating to the reader that you leave a trace where you work and that you are aware of the impact of your work. Also write it as the first person, but avoids the use of “I”. Remember that it is about what you have done and, therefore, you are the main character of what you present.

For example, instead of writing “sales and event organization” you better write “I increased sales by 20% over the same period last year and organized events with budgets of more than 500,000 USD.” Always clearly refer to true facts.


Show the languages ​​you speak with the respective level: native, basic, intermediate or advanced. Avoid getting entangled with numerical scales that make it difficult for the reader to understand.

Personal Skills:

As you mention your technical skills, also mention your personal skills. This section is vital so that the reader can quickly recognize that you have the profile that interests him. In addition, with this you can also demonstrate self-knowledge and balance.

Other Key Sections:

If you have written publications or have been awarded prizes or certificates that complement your formal academic training, you can organize them in a section to highlight your achievements. Also provide links (DOI numbers) to your publications if available. Similarly, if you have experience in extracurricular activities or volunteering , I recommend that you organize them in another section to quickly demonstrate your pro-activity and social awareness.

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